Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hello. I'm John. I go to school. I learn things. And occasionally, I save up a few of the things that I have learned, chew them up, and spit them out in a wad. Usually they're rather pointless things that ultimately have no purpose in life, but would be quite amusing to think about, or at least they are for me. I like to think about things. Philosophical things, patterns in life, whatever. I have a blog for that. It's just that on that blog, I couldn't really find a consistent tone to stick with (formal, informal, silly, serious, whatever), so I'm going to establish as an (already quite obviously) informal, somewhat silly, somewhat serious blog, in which I express ideas that I have been chewing on recently. And I won't try to be all formal and impartial and absolute about it, either. Basically, this blog will just be for all the ideas that I've felt like posting on Facebook but exceeded the 420 character limit, but more importantly, the 2-line limit for catching people's interest. Because no one actually reads everything on there (at least I don't). I mean, I'd rather look at some pictures of something really cool I did, or maybe my friends did, than read every single three-to-five-line status. Or at least, that's how it works for me. Probably because I just check Facebook mostly out of habit and fear that I might miss something interesting, ironically skimming over the witty things that people have to say. But anyway, I'm writing things here because I want to be more specific than I could be with a two-line status, even if I'm not extremely descriptive all the time (and hopefully I won't be repetitive). But I think that a few of the things that I say (not many of them) deserve to be remembered longer than the two-to-three days during which the rate at which people view my statuses slowly declines out of the significant range.

Oh yeah. And publicity is another thing. I also think that these few things that I say that are interesting could use to be viewed by more than the probably-around-two-hundred "friends" I have, probably fifty of which will glance at them. I would include everyone in the "friends of friends" category, but statistically, it's not likely that anyone will share my statuses, or comment on them, or like them in such a way that perhaps thirty more mutual friends will be interested to glance at them. Also, the only other websites that people really use for sharing their ideas that they think are so cool are Twitter and Tumblr. And not even really Tumblr. That's just things that you saw that you really liked that you think other people will really like if they haven't already seen those same things. As for Twitter, I've sort-of-not-really considered it, but like I said, a few of the things I say I don't feel like cramming into a single sentence. I'm no Demetri Martin.

So from this blog you can probably expect to read interesting little rants about basic concepts in life, mainly things that would inspire some to chew on and consider an alternative point of view when generally processing information. So hopefully it will be a "make you think" type of thing, but not overly formal and serious like that other blog (ugh). I call this "Ideas to be canned" because hopefully, these things will be worth considering and saving up in a can somewhere, just in case ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens to you and you get so bored that you have nothing to do but pick out something strange to think about. So most likely this will not actually have a real purpose in life, but hey, I just feel like writing it, and if time permits, you just might feel like reading it.

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